The Next Generation of Cyber Maturity Models

Since the inception of the first maturity model in 1991, it was originally made for software development. Now, cyber maturity models are not just a basis for business cyber capabilities, they are a benchmark in order to bid for government contracts. With the US Government being a designer and enforcer, why bother with any other model?

Roughly two months ago, I had no idea what a maturity model was, never mind it’s context in the cyber field. Now, the first large assignment apart of my Cyber Security Engineering masters dives into these models.

The rate of change in this business focused field in cyber is just as fast; the next generations of cyber maturity models are coming out now, this blog posts dives into what on earth they are, how they have evolved over the years and their effect on the cyber landscape.

Sercer - Generating scenarios in lifesaving sport

With the usual question of “What’s lifesaving?” the sport doesn’t have much research affiliated with it compared to other sports. There are two parts to lifesaving sport; one very similar to swimming (Shown in the video below) and the other a 2 minute dash to save these fake casualties in all sorts of situations, called a SERC. These scenarios come less abundantly in training, as they have to be thought of on the spot by a coach.

The Goal

Make a tool that can generate these scenarios. Sercer goes about this via a desktop application in Java.